How to carry: clear instructions for FWCC
1.Place the middle of the woven wrap with the middle marker under your chest. Transfer the woven wrap bands to your back and hold them with one hand behind your back.
2. Cross the bands of the woven wrap on your back, place them on your shoulders and let them hang down from your shoulder on your front.
3. Spread the bands of the woven wrap well. Make sure that the top rail of the woven wrap is not twisted.
4. Take your baby and place them on your chest. Hold the baby with one hand at all times. Pull the front panel part of the woven wrap up to the bottom of the baby.
5. Spread the middle panel of the woven wrap over the back of the baby. Make sure there is enough material under the bottom of the baby. Keep the following ratio for the baby from 0 to 6 months old: 1/3 of the material under the bottom of the baby, 1/3 of the material over the back of the baby, and 1/3 of the material under the nek of the baby. Pull one by one both side bands of the woven wrap tightly so that the baby sits close to your chest. Pull by taking a handful of the material in your hand. You can pull both bands together only when your baby sits tightly and securely against your chest.
6. Cross the side bands of the woven wrap under the bottom of your baby.
7. Transfer the bands to your back and make a double knot.
8.Make sure the back of the baby is naturally curved, the hips of the baby are not overstretched, and your baby sits in a correct M-position with knees highter than the bottom.