
Didymos Katja

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With almost 30 years of experiecne in babywearing and producing
woven baby wraps, Didymos has developed a strong quality criteria
for its baby wraps. The Didymos baby wraps are woven with double
cross weave technique which gives the wrap a slight elasticity. Due
to this quality the baby wrap supports the body of the child all over

After a long time of wearing the fabric does not stretch of wear out.
The dyes used for the Didymos baby wraps are nog poisonous, free
from harmful substances and are non-allergic.

The Didymos baby wraps are woven in Germany according to the
certified and controlled procedures.

Each Didymos baby wrap comes with a detailed instruction brochure
and a DVD. All Didymos baby wraps have a 3 year guarantee.

The Didymos baby wraps easy to care for. The can be washed
under 30-95 degrees in the washing machine.

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